Dec. 13, 2024

Bonus Episode: BFYTW Rehash - My Sweet Little Weird Al Yankovictims

Bonus Episode: BFYTW Rehash - My Sweet Little Weird Al Yankovictims

Lauren & Russ appeared on the BFYTW Podcast in an ALL WEIRD AL episode! That very episode now also lives HERE! 


Original BFYTW show notes:

- Game 1 - Anti-Kareoke

I've got four lists of Weird Al song titles from...

Lauren & Russ appeared on the BFYTW Podcast in an ALL WEIRD AL episode! That very episode now also lives HERE! 


Original BFYTW show notes:

  • Game 1 - Anti-Kareoke

    I've got four lists of Weird Al song titles from commercially released albums according to Wikipedia, and each team is going to take it in turns to try and communicate as many of the titles in their list to their partner within 60 seconds without using any words in the title, without any lyrics from the song, without using your hands, and critically - without singing. Your voice must maintain a monotone throughout, if your tone varies in any significant way, the current title will be voided and you'll have to move onto the next. After both players on each team have had a chance to both give and guess, the team that successfully guessed the most titles over both lists wins and earns one episode point.

    Game 2 - One or the Other

    I've got three lists of ten items. All of these items fall into one category or another. Teams will take turns guessing which category each item falls under, earning one point each time they're correct. The final list will be one thing, another, or BOTH, and teams will earn TWO points each time they are correct on the final list. The team with the most points after all three lists wins and earns two episode points.

    Game 3 - The Cost is Correct

    Our teams will bid on five items that were either sold or recently went to auction, and the player whose bid is closest to the final auction or sale price without going over will win the listing. The first team to win three listings wins the game and earns three episode points. (edited)

    Promo @BeerInFront @Grabthebrisket

    Proudly Sponsored by Peace, Love, & Bud

    Shoutouts to our Patrons; Mexi, Justin B, Kristin F ,Jeramey F ,Flaose, Todd, Jim, Flaos, Bridget F., David M., Dave A, Erin S, Donna/Colin Maggs,The GateLeapers, Kacey S., William M., Crunchie, DJ Xanthus, Crystal D.

    Free Followers on Patreon: Joáo C, Joep, Leonardo, Irsya Cahyo, Teanna Cm Lucho D.

    Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia

    Show Music by @KeroseneLetter and @Mexigun 

    Our Merch Available by contacting us.


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