It's time to put your polka pants on, people. We're tackling "Polkas on 45" from the In 3-D album this week. It's Al's first polka, and boy howdy did it set the stage for some amazing things to come. We talk about classic rock, run-ins with Minor League ...
It's time to put your polka pants on, people. We're tackling "Polkas on 45" from the In 3-D album this week. It's Al's first polka, and boy howdy did it set the stage for some amazing things to come. We talk about classic rock, run-ins with Minor League baseball players, The Masked Singer, 90s Nickelodeon, a LOT of Beatles, and a bunch more.
Lauren has Jam Up Passion Fruit Peach from Collective Arts Brewing and Minkey Boodle from Thin Man Brewery. John has Beer to Drink Music To (2021) from Dogfish Head (from Delaware, naturally) and Minkey Boodle from Thin Man Brewery (also). Why all the Minkey Boodle? Because... I've got a doodle in my noodle and his name is Minkey Boodle. MINKEY BOODLE! I've got my mojo risin', there's a poodle in my strudel. MINKEY BOODLE! Cheers!
Beer'd Al is a member (despite what the outdated pre-roll says. I was too lazy to fix it this week) of the OddPods Media Network. Isn't that neat? Promo for the Infectious Groove Podcast.