Hey friends! We've got FOUR copies of The Cynical Movie Cash-In Extended Edition of The Weird A-Coloring to Al to give away! Each copy is signed by author Nathan Rabin, and is sure to be an amazing addition to your home, office, or split-level cave.


Do you want to win a copy of this coloring book? HECK YEAH YOU DO. So you may be asking yourself, "What do I need to do to get myself a free autographed copy of this amazing tome of awesomeness?" 

WELL, HERE'S THE ANSWER. (And you can blame Twitter for this. This is what the people wanted.)

We need you to do some "Weird Al" karaoke. It can be official karaoke night-sanctioned karaoke. It can be "singing in my back yard at the top of my lungs" karaoke. It can be karaoke in your car. It can be karaoke from afar. It can be karaoke to a dog. It can be karaoke on a log. It can be karaoke in your house. It can be karaoke to a mouse. I DON'T CARE.

All I care about is this:

  • It's YOU (yes YOU) singing a "Weird Al" song. I don't care if it's a parody, pastiche, or polka.
  • One entry per person. So make it YOUR BEST.
  • I receive your entry by 11:59pm EST on 11/27/22.

Now you're probably asking yourself, "How do I send my entry to you?" Well, you can do it in a couple of ways.

  • Email it to beerdalpodcast@gmail.com
  • Send it via FB message to Beer'd Al Podcast
  • Send it via Twitter DM @beerdalpodcast
  • Send it via Instagram DM @beerdalpodcast

We will be assembling a panel of impartial judges to select three winners. (I'm serious. If you'd rather be an impartial judge, slide into my DMs.)

Now I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Three winners? I thought you said you had four copies to give away!"

Yes, that's true. For the fourth copy, we'll be going with the FAN FAVORITE! If you're feeling brave, upload your karaoke masterpiece to Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram using the hashtag #BeerdAlKaraoke. The entry with the most "likes" by 11:59pm EST on 11/27/22 will win the final copy of the book!

If you're not brave enough for this, go ahead and buy one for yourself.